Besides the reference to Plotinus' aphorism, this recalls also, the measurement of the sun by a dust mote alluded to in Plutarch's Moralia:
The story is told, my dear Terentius Priscus, that certain eagles or swans, flying from the uttermost parts of the earth towards its centre, met in Delphi at the omphalus, as it is called; and at a later time Epimenides of Phaestus put the story to test by referring it to the god and upon receiving a vague and ambiguous oracle said,
"Now do we know that there is no mid-centre of earth or of ocean;
if there be, it is known to the gods, but is hidden from mortals."
Besides, Demetrius, not to allow that small things are indication of great stands directly in the way of many arts; for it will result in taking away from us the demonstration of many facts and the prognostication of many others. ... who of those that insist that small things are not indications of great will allow this to go unchallenged? Who will endure that the magnitude of the sun be measured by reference to a quart or a gill, ... if we would make for the sun the wonted order of its course immutable, in accord with the tradition of the ages.
Thereupon Ammonius the philosopher, who was present, exclaimed, "Not for the sun only, but for the whole heavens."
Περὶ τῶν ἐκλελοιπότων χρηστηρίων.
De Defectu Oraculorum, Plutarch.
See Namegiving for more complete commentaries on this passage.
The concluding text is a protective magia, to be invoked against the vexations of the Phanic echo of the missing center; a consolation for the absent God or divine infidelity, a kind of prayer which could loosely be interpreted as: "the sole fire that burns in the abyss". More directly, it means: the heart of the world is the Pandemaic longing of Bythos, Bythos is the soul of the Pandemos, (the Pandemos again representing the longing for change) or, Bythos is the first born of the Pandemaics. This synchromystic magia is based on my own reconstructions of Proto-Indo European, augmented with Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Sumerian and Aramaic to fill in the blanks in the theoretical primogenial language of man. The grammar functions more like mathematical logic than human language, so that statements behave like libidinal circuits that induce psychodynamic effects when their variables and formulae are understood, a form of spellwork, (ie, synchromysticism, the third path of mastery.) like BTHYS TOU ANAHAT KHYA-PANDEMAI, or "AEON TOU MAEDON HERMA" meaning loosely, that knowledge is a weapon against time, [maedon being a weapon and the harmedon of the Demurge/Zeus deriving from har(i)+maedon, with har meaning to shine, to radiate. Thus the "shining weapon" or protophanic harmedon of the demiurge.] or SCARABAE-ON VAMA-KAR MAED-ON TOU DASHIN-KAR NIGRA-TEM, the latter loosely meaning: "The scarab collects detritus out of your own shadow, past lives, suppressed thoughts, etc. Its transformation into the golden form while preparing the egg from that detritus is comparable to the alchemical nigredo transforming into gold through the stone." [It is symbolic and it more literally means: the left hand wields, vamakar maedon, "left hand-weapon-gold" and the right hand guides, "dashinkar nigratem", right-hand black-refuse.] However, meaning itself is loose in this case, as normal language works to trigger libidinal circuits in the brain, whereas this form of linguistic magia reconstructs a circuit itself within language. Before the fall of Babel or the breaking of human language with the nam-shub for Sumerians, the original primordial language,- the divine language, was self-reflexive, [like the hominid consciousness before the splitting up of the hemispheres of the brain, proposed in James' cognitive bicameralism.] such that it rendered immunity to the aleph-null and all the various logical paradoxes that normal language is susceptible to, ie. normal languages that base their mode of signification on a correspondence between an inner state, as available only to a bicameral self-reflecting consciousness, and an external datum: this invented language I use for magickal purposes is created to relate itself- to itself, so that by describing a beautiful dawn in it, you would be describing the language itself as a beautiful dawn, etc.
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